As adults, we come to therapy for all sorts of different reasons. You may have specific symptoms such as anxiety, trauma, depression, anger, stress, difficulties with relationships or a lack of confidence. Or maybe you just can’t put into words the overwhelming need you are experiencing to seek therapy.

Choosing a therapist
For therapy to work, the relationship with your therapist is key. It must be a safe and trusting alliance with a person whom you feel will listen and understand your perspective.
How does therapy work?
Relationship and exploration
Unearthing and questioning together the assumptions and behaviours, thoughts and feelings that are affecting your freedom to enjoy being you.
Short-term counselling: Usually six to eight sessions
You may be entering therapy for a specific reason that is affecting your way of life. You may have a specific goal in mind, for example, the end of constant anxiety, anger, or stress. Working with your therapist to unravel where these specific symptoms originated, and how they became so powerful and creating a shared awareness to dilute their effects can have empowering results.
Longer-term psychotherapy: open-ended
Working together towards where you want to be, identifying areas of your life to concentrate on, and seeking change through working with past and present challenges. Finding a sense of peace through the understanding of self and making sense of your reactions to life experiences.